Christmas was a big hit at our house. The pierogis were made and eaten; the gifts were all wrapped, Santa's cookies were baked, and he made it down the chimney without no problem whatsoever. Katherine was little Miss First Christmas playing with her toys and taking in the whole scene. Jackson enjoyed opening and investigating his gifts and Alex - what can I say? She's an old hand at this Christmas gig so she's got the drill down. I hope she liked her things as much as she seemed to given there were fewer toys and more big girl things this year - cool boots (Ugs style), jacket from Limited too, couple of outfits from H&M, art supplies, etc. Nary a doll in sight except for Kate's new babies including a Madame Alexander babydoll from Aunt Julie and a Cabbage Patch Kid with blonde pigtails that I fell in love with. Mass was great and not the usual mob scene thanks to the wonderful new pastor and his planning of 6 Christmas liturgies, four being on Christmas Eve. The jumbo glass of egg nog spiked with Makers Mark went down very nicely afterward. Which brings me to the next topic - my progress on Weight Watchers. I'm bracing myself for backsliding at this week's weigh in and hope to at least stay at the same weight. I've lost 2 lbs./wk over the last three. I'm just praying that the appetite I have for the extra points I'm allowed as a nursing mother goes away when Kate weans. I went into the holiday weeks with the mindset that I was not going to make myself miserable following the program until after the first of the year. I am very glad that I started beforehand though so I'm not in the pack with the other newbies next week. I didn't exactly go crazy either. In general, I think the WW program is fantastic.
One of my munchkin is calling for some snuggle time so I'm off. More later on the new job prospects. Wish this laundry would fold itself and disappear into our dressers.