Friday, July 30, 2004

The Party's Over

The sun is shining!  The tank is clean!  er, wait a minute.  The sun is shining!  Our friends are coming over for lunch!  Today is the last day of my perfect maternity leave.  Do I wish I could stay home another month and call it a summer off?  Absolutely!  But it's time for me to go back.  Do I hate the thought of leaving my little angel all day?  Absolutely!  But I can keep her home with me when I work from's only a matter of time before she outgrows this little kitten stage and is to active to stay home while I work.  I still think daycare should be paying me to have her all day...

So today we're having a pizza party on the patio at lunchtime.  Two other babies and one toddler will be here.  I'm looking at it as a celebration of my time off and I'm glad to have the company to keep my mind off the fact that it's come to an end.  I did most of the things I wanted to around the house and got the rest I so needed. 

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