Monday, July 5, 2004


 (and may I say that Dick Van Dyke's attempt at a cockney accent is atrocious.  He'd have been better off sounding American!) 

The baby princess (Princessina) slept through the night!  She fell asleep at about 11:00 and woke up shortly before 6:00 a.m.  Mommy got a terrific rest, fed her, let the dogs out and then went back to sleep.  Daddy made omelets for breakfast and now at 10:15 all of the kids are either sleeping or watching MP.  The pe(s)ts are even reclining peacefully outside in the sunshine.  Should we prepare to go to the pool later?  Right now I'm going to consult my to do list to see what I can get done today but then pull out my scrapbooks and crop for a bit.  I would love to get Jackson's 1st year and a half book done so I can get started on The Jackson Chronicles, Vol. II. 

Speaking of the pool, my to do list is chock full of things to get ready for the family vacation.  We're loading the new minivan (now complete with rooftop carrier) with kids, buckets & shovels, MIL, and pe(s)ts to head to Corolla, NC for the week.  Are we nuts?  Probably.  Will it be great once we get there?  Definitely!  Note to self:  bathe and brush the hell out of the dogs before Saturday a.m.! 

Also, cancel their reservation at Club Pet!! 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!  You even take your animals on vacation with you!  Now that's dedication or that's just smart.  I paid for a pet sitter last year (2 dogs, 5 cats, fish and gerbils) and it cost me $380 for the week, so we are stuck never going on vacation again for quite a long time.  I hope you all enjoy yourself!  I know it won't be restful, but at least you are getting away for a bit.  Enjoy!!!!!!  :)
Hugs and love, Lisa