Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Is it really the end of July?

  Seriously, this was me yesterday when they told me how much the tuition per week will be for both kids in daycare full time.  Don't get me wrong, I knew what it would be but I've never even had one in full time and now two of them full time starting Monday.  Not to mention that I've been in touch with the office and so now have to fight off the anxiety that comes with the b.s. that goes on in any office environment.  All it takes is one weak link at the top and the chain of command is compromised.  I've got to focus on going in (or logging in), doing what I need to do, and then taking care of my kids and my home!  I think I'm really at the point where I'm ready to commit to playing "the game" in total.  It's a matter of survival and I will survive!

Ok, so today started with Jeff leaving for work early and leaving Jackson home with me to take to daycare, or not.  He had not yet let the dogs out and by the time I got downstairs we were in the middle of a torrential downpour.  I let them out, they took a couple of leaps off the patio steps and then turned around and looked at me like "you're kidding right?"  I had to yell at them to "go pee!"  Luckily we keep a towel right by the back door for drying them off.  So Jackson is in his everything I say or do is wrong mode and he's whining to beat the band....about everything and anything.  So after eating a quarter of his waffle and one spoonful of his oatmeal he found himself on his way to "school".  The rain had stopped and today is splash day for his class so he'll get some water play in while I'm here at home searching the web for the bus schedule I need to get into DC next Thursday, calling Verizon about adding a phone jack, calling the health insurance provider about an unpaid bill, yada, yada, yada.  I dropped of Kate's diapers, wipes, and cereal for next week so I don't have to drag everything in with me on her first day Monday. 

I'll be jumping right in to things as my boss scheduled a 9:00 meeting with one of my "clients" for me.  Isn't that special?  That would be right before my call with the boss to find out what's happening.  Does that make sense to anyone out there because it sure doesn't make sense to me.  Luckily, recruiting is still very busy where we are so I'm sort of needed right now. 

paddling clipartI think I'll stop procrastinating and put the instructional video for the rowingmachine into the VCR since it's not sitting right by the TV - and get myself on the rower for the first time.  And I put 15 mins. in on the rowing machine today and on Friday my friend Kathy, who rowed in college, will be here to make sure my form is proper. 

"Chef Clipart"But tomorrow my friend Stephen is coming over and bringing lunch.  Stephen loves to whip things up in his kitchen and believe "presentation is everything." so I'm sure it will be a treat!  I hope he brings dessert!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, naturally, you HAVE to have dessert!!!!!  What's the use of a nice dinner without it!  And, rowing?  Sounds like something I would love!  Love working those shoulders and getting all that tension out of there.  I don't know what the going rate is now for daycare since it's been many years since my children have gone, but even back then it was CRAZY!  I figured it out one day, while I was making about $560 take home per week, with daycare cost, parking, gas, lunch, clothes for work, etc., I ended up making about $90 of the money that was MINE!  That's when I stopped working full time.  I was in shock like that little smilie face of yours was.  Good luck with your 9:00 a.m. meeting!  I would not be happy about that!
Hugs and love, Lisa