Wednesday, July 7, 2004

On the Road to the Outer Banks

163.5 this a.m. and we're into the home stretch for the vacation. Jeff's mom arrives tomorrow afternoon. Today I'll start pulling together all of our gear. There's nothing to panic about right? Must go get ready for the big bathing suit buying excursion now! More later.  I found 2 suits that fit and didn't look unflattering, they were on sale but if I have to go back tomorrow to buy them in order to get the extra 20% off.  Don't get me started but the less I pay for these jumbo suits the better I'll like it!

This may sound counterintuitive but I'm really looking forward to hanging out with my MIL.  She's really cool and she hasn't visited in a couple of years and she will sit by the pool with me and have cocktails and chat.  Jeff isn't into that but she will hang with me and I'm looking forward to it!This is the house we rented in Corolla.

It has four bedrooms on 2 levels; 2 being master suites with full bath, one upstairs and one downstairs.  There is plenty of room to spread out which will not be the case when we're all crammed like sardines into the minivan, dogs included.  I already know I have a screw loose, let's not be redundant!  So this a.m. hubby says "you don't seem excited about the vacation!"  "Well,:"  I said, "I have to pull together all of our clothes (me, him, 3 kids), decide what food to bring on the trip and what to buy there & plan car snacks, talk to the person watching the house & the cat, pick up dogfood, make sure we take the sand toys & beach towels, what about a first aid kit of some kind, um, I think I'm in the mood for apple martinis again better hit the liquor store for a bottle of sour apple stuff, oh, and I need to shop for those darned bathings suits, spray my roses once more, brush the dogs, clean out refrigerator, worry how it will all fit into the car, etc."  The mind reels and yet here I am blogging away.  I perform best under pressure and I know it'll all work out.  It always does with us.  At least sd is already here for the duration & no further dealing withher mother required.  We don't have to make the trip out to Club Pet with the dogs (aka the pe(s)ts).  Jeff is off tomorrow and Friday and that crafty thing changed his voicemail TODAY although he's there, to say he's out until the 20th - giving himself today AND the day he gets back to have a little peace to get things done.  We don't call him a rocket scientist for nothing!  Oh, that's right, he's a rocket scientist.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS house!!  I am jealous!!  Where the heck is Corolla though?  I am geographically illiterate, so don't mind me.  The house looks great though.  And, you said it has a pool too!  Man oh man, now I am really jealous!  Don't feel bad about having to pack for everyone, it's what I have to do also, even for hubby.  If he had it his way, he'd pack 2 pairs of underwear, 2 shirts, 2 pair of shorts and 1 pair of jeans, that's it.  How do they do that?!!?  I hope you have fun once you get there, although I know you will.  The minivan ride won't be fun though!  Buy earplugs!  LOL!
Hugs and love, Lisa