Tuesday, July 20, 2004

WWJD (What Would Julie Do?)

My bestest friend in the whole world, the one who taught me to take my icecream to bed in a mug instead of a bowl because it's easier to hang onto that way, suggested that I am insane if I take Kate & Jackson up to Philly to see my aunt this Friday and instead should stay home and take the kids to the pool with a tall glass of iced tea in hand.  Well I'm taking Julie's advice and sticking close to home.  This will enable me to a) give this whole situation more time to settle in before I see my mom, b)spend more calm quality time with the kids, and c) go to the scrapbooking crop session with my friend Maureen on Friday night.  Julie also told me where to find her housekey if I did come up and that I should spend the day with her on the beach in Cape May before returning home.....did I mention she's the bestest friend in the whole world? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I borrow that best friend by any chance?!  LOL!
Hugs and love, Lisa