Monday a.m. I woke before the alarm. Actually, Piggers woke me but I recall thinking that I should get up to pump because I felt uncomfortable and I didn't know what time it was. It was just before 6:00 a.m. so after feeding and changing her I came downstairs to release the hounds, have some breakfast, and check in. I decided to let the coffeemaker turn itself on as it is programmed and I think it's very cool that it just starts making my coffee for me. It's so rare that I'm down here at 6 to hear it start. Last night I did my best to get everything together for this briefcase, Kate's bottles, Kate's & Jackson's blankets for school, their tuition check, check for Susana, the everpresent breastpump,
I find myself all excited this a.m .because Susana comes today. It's been two weeks. We cut her back to every other week when the two kids in daycare full time cash outlay began. It's so nice to come home to a house that's been cleaned all at once vs. one room at a time so by the time you're done you can't tell where you started because it's starting to get messy again. The amount daycare costs each week still hasn't fully sunken in with me. Jeff and I really need to reconfigure the way we handle our cash and expenses. (Ha! Like there's any cash after the expenses!)
Alex is sitting across from me as I type, eating a bowl of cereal. She has her hair in pink foam curlers. Remember pink foam curlers? She'd put them in last night after her shower. She'll be swimming today so that will be it for the curls but she's going to look very cute when she leaves for the Y this morning.
Okie's 6:30...time to unload the dishwasher and get the business part of this day started!
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