Sunday, August 22, 2004

It's a Glorious Day

The day is hot but dry and the sun is shining.  jackson is out playing in his little pool.  We're having friends over this afternoon and although I power shopped yesterday of course there are a handful of things I still need so I'll be at the supermarket AGAIN today. 

But I slept in - until nearly 10:00 - and Jeff brought breakfast in bed.  I cleaned up the kitchen and family room and he took Jackson outside.  Kate is swinging and snoozing. 

I'm off to tidy the powder room (aka the cat box), shower, then start getting some stuff ready for the afternoon meal.  We're having steak and shrimp (friend is a vegetarian); a salad with romaine, tomato, sharp provolone, red onion, and pesto, corn on the cob and mojitos.  I finally found some fresh mint at the store.  I've been regretting ripping out all of my spearmint and peppermint but it was taking over my life out there.  I do need to have some planted in a container so that I have it when I need it. 

I'm thinking a lot about my sister again.  A friend saw her at a reunion event a few weeks ago and just mentioned it to me on Friday.  I said I guess it's a good thing I didn't go to the event as it would have ruined Val's day.  Then I summed it up for her by saying that my sister hates my guts and I get the impression that my mere existence is an annoyance to her.  God forbid I should approach her to try to re-establish lines of communication for the sake of family and our children.  Anyway, it just makes me sad.  I guess she's also in my thoughts because I turned myself on to the FlyLady and right away knew that it's a system that Val would really dig.  Turns out she is into it, according to Mom, and I would just love to be able to pick up the phone and give her a call and ask her if her sink is shiny and her lace up shoes are tied on....I really do miss her and contrary to the advice of caring friends I cannot just forget her.

p.s.  the dogs had better learn how to drink out of Jackson's pool because he thinks their water dish is a pool toy and is contantantly dumping it out...woof!


Anonymous said...

{{CJ }}

I don't have a sister, so I can't say I feel your pain.  But as I'm not as estranged as I'd like to be from my mother, I have a hint.  If I might get spiritual here for a moment, reconciliation can come... ask the Big Guy Upstairs about it.   A wise man once told me (a wise man to whom I paid lots of dollars per hour to recline on his couch) that we have two families... our family of blood or relation with whom we share genetics, and our family of fact who are our brothers/sisters/parents of love and shared experience.  I consider you my long distance sister.  If we were only in the same basic geographic region, we'd be dangerous together!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to start your day!  Your dinner sounds absolutely delicious, except for the shrimp part!  LOL!  I have mint growing in my yard, I planted it just for the purposes of it growing all over the place so when we mow the lawn it smells like a Life Saver Wintergreen flavor!  Wonderful!
Hugs and love, Lisa