The long awaited, much ballyhooed, mommy is a spaz, pics of Kate in her party dress....the following is not an excuse about why the pics weren't there but I sent the email to everyone. It's more of an explanation for anyone who's interested in reading about an insane woman trying to work full time, keep a nice house, be pleasant to her husband (most of the time) and keep her kids happy, healthy, and out of danger...list is in reverse order of importance...
So on Friday after being up until 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. working I got up and started working again. I got Kate ready for school while Jackson was in the shower - that's right - he takes a shower in the morning after daddy is done, oh and that would be after he sits on the potty (doing nothing but wasting toilet paper and occasionally peeing) while Dad showers. Ok, so off they went to school and I was working and trying to get these pics uploaded. When will I learn to save as I go, save as I go, save as I go? I'm not trying to garner sympathy or anything but then I showered, had a session with the breast pump, went to get my MRI (what a treat that was...NOT), stopped at home for something I forgot, visited the rectory to drop off the letters for Kate's godparents (where I left the keys in the minivan and it running), headed for Fair Oaks mall which I can never find on the first try....zoom-zoomed throught Lord & Taylor buying Alex a birthday gift and spending a small fortune buying Kate & Jackson some Polo, uh huh, we're still very wealthy (not). With L&T shopping bag in tow zoom-zoomed to jewelry store to pick up my bracelet that had been repaired, and stopped at various other small shops to buy more birthday stuff for Alex - every 10 year old girl needs a pink suede purse after all, right?
So I'm wearing these sandals that have proven in the past not be be good for athletics like sprinting through the mall and now I have a monster blister on the side of my foot....but I'm still shopping. I head for Fair Lakes and the Target to pick up Kate's pics, find it (2nd try) and start the zoom-zoom but I forgot the receipt, trip on the way back to the van and lose a sandal (I swear I don't make this shit up!), make it into the store, pick up some more stuff forbirthday girl - e.g. things for inside the new purse, etc. - and grab the pictures. Head home, let the dogs out, take something out of the freezer for dinner, pump again, check work emails, call a candidate, talk to my "assistant", get back in the car, stop for gas, stop at grocery store - change my mind about dinner and buy something easier to fix - grab a BIG bottle of wine - pick up kiddles - head home - start drinking. Drink too much, sleep in on Saturday, wake up while Jeff is getting ready for his & Alex's soccer game - he's the coach - get a few things done around the house including wrap birthday presents and write Happy Birthday Alex on the cake I bought at the market, make lunch and do the birthday thing with Alex including cake, etc., power nap with Jackson. Peaks and valleys, peaks and valleys. The life of a maniac....Alex power napped too so we did not go out for dinner for her birthday but I'm teaching her that it's good to spread the birthday thing out for as long as you can and we're going out to eat tomorrow. I'm thinking she's not doing so bad having two homes as she celebrated her birthday last weekend with a sleepover at her mom's and a weekend full of back to school shopping and a cute new haircut. Pics of Alex to follow.
Cute pictures of the munchkin. Makes me wish, again, that I had someone to dress in pink. Instead, I'll be dressing someone in (off)-white and marching her down the aisle in a few months.
I empathize with your day... been there, done that, albeit a different sequence of events... same frenzy and outcome.
And, by the way, it's a Birthday FESTIVAL. Should last a week. Minimum.
What a happy baby!!!! And those cheeks! Absolutely ADORABLE! You made me tired just reading your entry woman! I have to go and take a nap now! ZZZZZZZZ
Hugs and love, Lisa
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