Saturday, December 18, 2004


balloons  Katherine is 8 months old tomorrow.  Yippee!!  I've reached the point where I'm ready to start focusing on getting myself together much earlier than I did with Jackson.  I started looking around for new job opportunities when he was about 15 mos. old and this time I'm already working it.  I have interviews next week for both an internal and an external opportunity.  I keep coming full circle to the point where I love everything about my job but for a few things that I'd change and those are the things that I cannot control.  So guess what?  I've had the kids, enjoyed the flexibility that I needed to be able to pull this motherhood after 40 with stressful job thing and now I'm ready to break out again.  I was sad to think that I'd maxed out on my career and hopefully something will come about where I can take steps forward again, both professionally and financially.  When it reaches the point where you have not an ounce of respect for the people who control your income and your advancement, it's time to move on.  Unlike before, I think I'm coming to terms with leaving before I even have the interviews.  This is a good sign that I'm ready I think.  It hasn't been fun for a really long time and I'm starting to feel like I've been left in the dust by those who've had the good sense or the good fortune to find new opportunities.  We'll see what the coming week brings.  So much for not having an interview suit as an excuse, huh?   

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And the other big step that I've already taken is to join Weight Watchers now vs. waiting until I stop nursing the baby.  I was going to keep it a big secret and magically slim down before everyone's eyes but it's been slipping out in conversation and so what?  It's not something to be ashamed of.  I am actually proud that I took the matter in hand and decided not to wallow in the excuse that I got flabby having the kids and until Kate is weaned I'll just have to live with it.  So far so good.  I dig the program and found it easy enough to transition to.  I never used to be the type of person things "happened" to but when I was younger of course it was easy to take charge of things like dropping a few pounds.  Honestly, I never really put much effort into watching my weight at all - I just burned off what I ate naturally through normal activity and exercise.  So now I have to put effort into it but I have finally realized it's something to do for myself, not a punishment.  Right now there are always half a dozen things competing for my attention in the same block of time and some of them just have to get done but I realize from the few times I've taken the time for a walk or to do some yoga, the world didn't come to an end because I wasn't folding the laundry or god forbid, WORKING!!!

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