Saturday, July 31, 2004

Mixed Emotions

Blue Moon I have always loved the moon.  My name means moon....Cynthia.  My once in a blue moon is this having an extended period of time when I don't have to work.  One major surgery and two babies have given me these breaks 3 time in the past 9 years or so.  This is different from being's a REST! 

Miss Wonderful Baby does not want to drink her milk from a bottle.  This is all my fault. Well I guess it's some Jeff's fault.  We should have forced OURSELVES to get her started on the bottle earlier.  I thought she'd be fine for when I go back to work because Jackson was great about it.  He didn't miss a beat.  She's had a couple of bottles before and did well with the bottle when we were in NC.  Today though all bets are off and she's mad as hell that I'm even trying.  I've attempted with 3 different nipples and no dice.  Hopefully, Jeff will have more luck when he tries tonight.  She's cooing now because I relented and nursed her. 

My eye is twitching again.  I never thought this would happen to me but I think I might be on the path of those women who return to work for a very short time after the maternity leave and then quit.  I can't just not go back and I can't quit without some study of our finances and a backup plan in place but I can feel it starting to tremor in me like an earthquake.  Just like I never thought I'd leave headhunting and go corporate and then found myself part of an internal HR dept., I may be headed for the part time stay at home routine.  I think it's a challenge I'm ready how to swing it???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"How to swing it"?!  The eternal question!  I also left a high paying job to become an at home mommy when Emma was born.  And, let me tell you something, no matter how much planning you think you have done, it aint' easy!!!  That money you thought you saved up to last a few months, well, guess what, it will be gone because of an "emergency" repair to your vehicle.  The money you "hid" from hubby for the "just in case", it will be used up for the "emergency" repairs to the oil burner that decided to go kapoot in the middle of January.  Trust me, you will never be prepared and will always be poor.  But, guess what?  You learn that it doesn't make a difference after about a year or so.  You just take it as it comes, and shop at 3 different stores each week to get the best bargains for your limited budget.  It will become your "natural" way of doing things.  It CAN be done, it's just one question you have to ask yourself:  "Are you ready to give many things up to do this?".  I can GUARANTEE you, it's worth it ALL!
Hugs and love, Lisa