Tuesday, July 6, 2004

The Lighter Side of Court

Our lawyer was thinking of calling me as a witness so assumed I had to wait outside the courtroom until called (I presume to not merely corroborate what other witness said?).  Well I had Kate with me as I didn't know how long I'd be gone and she's not into taking a bottle yet, etc.

Well she gets hungry and I figure it'll be a while until I'm called so I go into the bathroom to nurse the baby thinking if I take the edge off she'll go to sleep but she didn't.  So I don't feel like
going into the bathroom again and it's like a ghost town where I am because nothing's going on in the courtroom next door and we're the only case being heard in the one Jeff's in yada yada...so I go down to the far corner on a bench that recessed into the wall and proceed to take care of our business.  It's only afterward when I was up and walking around again that I noticed the security camera perched way up high.  So now I'm a porn star but then to make me even happier Kate projectile vomits all over.  But I got her cleaned up again and disposed of the mess and rocked her some and wound up feeding her again in the bathroom and holding her and walking with her until she feel asleep.  At this time court is over and it's time to go home so maybe it's a good thing the tw*t made me out to be the wicked witch of the west in there and Rich decided not to call me as a witness after all.  I was very busy.

So we're home and I post my blog to get that off my chest and my friends rally with their support and now I am off to buy Japanese beetle traps and pick up the Little Prince and turn this damn day around, right?  Wrong!  The rocket scientist went off with my keys.  So I send a page to ask if he has them but in the meantime remember that I have a valet key for the new minivan.  Off we go to Home Depot to arm motherfor the fight against garden invaders.  (Sidebar:  HD has the beetle traps but not the metal stands you hang them on so am I to stand outside with a trap in each hand waiting for the little buggers to come over?  Can I not catch a break today?)  Yes and now we have the traps and we pick up the sweet son whose excitement to see me wipes away the cares of the day.  On the way home we find rocket scientist's pager in the glove box so he is blissfully unaware that he's made off with my keys.  Probably better that way.  Meanwhile again he sends a blog of his own to the lawyer to say he doesn't feel we were adequately prepared and so on and so forth and today was a waste and stuff like that.  It's 5:32 p.m. here in Virginia so definitely past 6 somewhere in the world.  Let happy hour begin!  I think I'll have a slurp before I tackle #1 precious son's dirty diaper.....and I'll end on a serious note with a rewording of the very nice thing one of my bestest friends said to me this afternoon-as long as SD feels she is loved by us WE WIN!  Thanks for that Ivan!  Let the beetles beware!




Anonymous said...

Boy, you have had a few days from hell huh?!  Nothing is easy when it comes to visitation and the family court.  I worked in divorce law for 15 years and I know all about this crapola.  I knew they wouldn't use you as a witness though when I read what you were there for, and it sucks that they made you actually sit all day waiting!  They usually don't use the spouse as a witness unless it's a severe problem (think drugs, alcohol, abuse).  At least it was all worked out and I am sure it will go well, until "she" decides to change it up again to adjust to "her" schedule!  By the way, you made me laugh with the beetle traps!  I could picture you out there trying to hold them up!!  LOL!
Hugs and love, Lisa

Anonymous said...

Rocket Scientist did NOT take keys to work.  Keys were on our bed (?) where he had put Princessina to take her out of her car seat carrier.  We are still thankful for the valet key!

Anonymous said...

Oh my God!  I hung the trap out before I went to meet my friend for lunch.  Even with the thunderstorm we had the freakin' bag is full of about 100 beetles.  I wish I wasn't going on vacation so I could stay home and count the beetle casualties!  Rocket Scientist says they're also attacking the crape myrtles out front.  Time to go hang my other trap....I'm on a rampage!  I haven't had this much fun since I eradicated the slugs from this premises with my salt, vinegar, Sluggo combo!