Wednesday, September 22, 2004

I am seriously thinking about becoming depressed right now (bad timing because I've had a coupla glasses of wine).  I saw pics of myself from the christening and I am a I polished off the cake to get it out of the house.  I think this is what's referred to as rock bottom.  I have 100 emails worth of flylady testimonials that I refuse to delete because I find the testimonials to be uplifting but I have no time to read them.  I feel up to my asshole in alligators at work and incapable
of prioritizing.  The bright spot in my day is picking Kate up and making a whirring sound that makes her laugh out loud.  Jax is needing extra attention but he's going about attracting it the wrong way and half the time gets on my nerves and I yell.  I think I need a retreat of some sort.  Weren't we talking about escaping to a spa?  No?  Must have been a convo I had with someone else.....Help me!


Anonymous said...

Tonight, all I can offer is a drink in your honor.  You're having rum & coke.  And you're enjoying it.

For tomorrow night, I picked up something from a firm called "Just Desserts" ... it's Chocolate Chip Cookie liquor.  I've snuck some sips.  It does taste like cookie dough.  I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...




This thing on??  Anyone home???