Tuesday, June 29, 2004

The Last 5 Weeks! (of my maternity leave)

or Why I Love My Life...

How to not be excited when I have such wonderful children?...here's Kate, still trying to catch up on her beauty rest, and Jackson enjoying a happy meal (we are not capitalizing HM because we're not that happy as they neglected to give him the caramel dipping sauce for his apples AND they gave him a girl toy vs. a boy toddler toy!).  Finally, how can a mother's heart not swell with love for a 2.5 yr. old boy who loves to show affection for his baby sister???? 

In the first photo Kate really looks like Jackson but there is another school of thought which says that she is the spitting image of Jeff....how can that be when he looks like me? 

And the question of the day is:  What movie will we get hooked on next?  We've been through the Baby Einstein stuff, Barney Goes To the Zoo, Finding Nemo, The Lion King, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang....specifically, will Mary Poppins (aka Poppins) catch on or will  buy Shrek for a new favorite?  Thus far Monsters Inc has been viewed exclusively in the car...and we'll start again with Baby Einstein pretty soon when Kate is ready.


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