Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hating Me

01awcax1nlnooaaaacaaaaaaaaaaa__normalSo immature yet so on the money when dealing with someone of that mentality.  This is why I wish I'd starting reading "A New Earth" several months help me deal with the disingenuousness I've come up against.  I prefer not to dwell on that aspect but on the fact that once the light shone on the situation and I had clarity I did what I needed to do and received the help that I could rely on to get to a healthier place.  I'm not perfect so I still find this bumper sticker amusing.  But it's also a reminder that I'm better than this childishness.  The behavior of others toward me and their opinions don't define.  Even my own inability to withstand it over the long term does not define me. 

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