Saturday, January 8, 2005

Rant: mornings are complicated

Think about waking up on a Saturday morning.  What does it entail?  Rub your eyes, have a pee, get back in bed?  Here's what it's like over here:  Jax with wet diaper calling Mommyyyyyy, shuffle down the hall before he wakes up Kate.  Take off diaper and put him on the potty (a little closing the barn door after the horse is out, I know), new diaper and if we're lucky wet diaper didn't leak so no need to change p.j.s immediately.  Shuffle downstairs to let stinky brown dog out & release wussy pee pee dog from his crate where he's been wailing, let him out.  Feed cat who's been following me around meowling for her breakfast.  Pour milk into sippy cup for #1 child.  Wipe dog paws and let them in; distribute biscuits & fill water bowl.  Pour coffee and crawl back upstairs to retrieve #2 child and administer milk.  Maybe take that pee now.  Lather rinse repeat....

Today's rave:  Jackson moved from the 2's room to the 3's room at daycare resulting in a $40/week reduction in tuition.  $40 a WEEK and Kate will be moving to older infants within the next 3 months so we'll have another reduction shortly.  Found money to pay off Christmas????


Another rant:  What is with Brad and Jennifer??  He knows I'm married, he might as well stick with her!


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