Monday, January 24, 2005
Miss Congeniality - NOT

Sunday, January 16, 2005
Another Year and...
Another year and I have not seen one movie. I think I at least maybe saw one movie in a theater last year? Maybe not. This year I recognize not one film that is up for a Golden Globe award. That's a lie, I recognize Ray but I didn't see it.
Hubby was sick all day today so no cart racing for him. I'm still up to my eyeballs in laundry but feel like I've got the upper hand for a change. Tomorrow is a holiday for me and one of my bestest friends is having a baby. I will be in attendance as I am one of her designated birth coaches. I was there when her daughter was born and it was a wonderful experience. Wonder why no one asks to be there when I have my C-sections? Hmmmm.
This should be an interesting week on the work front. Lots of possibilities out there for a change.
Monday, January 10, 2005
Kate Has a Tooth

Sunday, January 9, 2005
Raising procrastination to an art form
Saturday, January 8, 2005
Rant: mornings are complicated
Think about waking up on a Saturday morning. What does it entail? Rub your eyes, have a pee, get back in bed? Here's what it's like over here: Jax with wet diaper calling Mommyyyyyy, shuffle down the hall before he wakes up Kate. Take off diaper and put him on the potty (a little closing the barn door after the horse is out, I know), new diaper and if we're lucky wet diaper didn't leak so no need to change p.j.s immediately. Shuffle downstairs to let stinky brown dog out & release wussy pee pee dog from his crate where he's been wailing, let him out. Feed cat who's been following me around meowling for her breakfast. Pour milk into sippy cup for #1 child. Wipe dog paws and let them in; distribute biscuits & fill water bowl. Pour coffee and crawl back upstairs to retrieve #2 child and administer milk. Maybe take that pee now. Lather rinse repeat....
Today's rave: Jackson moved from the 2's room to the 3's room at daycare resulting in a $40/week reduction in tuition. $40 a WEEK and Kate will be moving to older infants within the next 3 months so we'll have another reduction shortly. Found money to pay off Christmas????
Another rant: What is with Brad and Jennifer?? He knows I'm married, he might as well stick with her!
Friday, January 7, 2005
I've met my Beryl
Monday, January 3, 2005
Don't Make Me Go
Cuppa Joe?

Sunday, January 2, 2005
Put It In Reverse
Miss Pink & Fluffy Katherine is getting mobile. She has taken to moving herself in reverse, the backward squirm which, as I recall is the precursor to the commando crawl forward, leading to the full out crawl, leading to asking for the keys to the car...
I took both kids to Mass this morning, ran a little late but pushed on anyhow - better late than not at all. We'll work on the timing. I didn't wake up intending to take them but forgot Jeff has cart racing every other Sunday. I was thrilled to see Jackson saying The Lord's Prayer along with the rest of the congregation! Time to teach another prayer I suppose and get started on a hymn or two. Almost as cute as Jax knowing the words to Our Father was Jax getting his mouse, Squeak E. to stand up beside him when everyone else was standing up. Got to love that boy! And there is nothing better than napping with the kids than waking to find that hubby has started the dinner. Yum!
What Kind of Cat Am I?
You are a Siamese! You are fun-loving, playful, energetic, talkative, and exotic. You are the center of attention and you love every minute of it.
Feeling pretty good despite polishing off a bottle of shiraz last night with my pork roast dinner. I feel the good luck just flowing over here. Between having the bayberry candles burn all the way down without going out on Christmas Eve to the yummy pork & sauerkraut good luck New Year's Day dinner this should be a damn good year.
Or maybe it was the walk I took with neighborhood buddy MarciaMarciaMarcia (hereafter referred to as MMM) who is also my WW buddy...as in "going to WW with MMM"....or maybe it's the fact that I've decided to take charge of things with my life again rather than just going with the flow as I have been over the past five years. Things will continue to get more organized around the house as we continue with the decluttering vs. letting it overwhelm us right out of the house. Whether this job opportunity works out this week or not I am now officially on the hunt for a better situation. Better professionally for me and financially for the family. I thought my risk switch had been permanently pushed to the OFF position and I would try to hang on to my current role forever and ever but I keep landing in the same state of discontent and now that the childbearing has been accomplished it's time to take my own best advice about the griping - do something about it or STFU. So I've made the decision to get back in the game and take advantage of the fact that I am in control instead of letting opportunities pass me by. My resolutions for this year are the same as last - to keep going to Mass, keep saving a little more money, and keep exercising.