Friday, April 4, 2008

From Thursday's trip home

I’m here in the Atlanta airport with my idiot savant blackberry that has been continuously re-booting itself for the past week. I was on the phone with the AT&T and then the RIM people and wiped and reloaded it but since it’s still doing the re-booting it has been officially deemed “fried”. I ordered another one immediately and that was Tuesday night. My new one’s been shipped already but that doesn’t help me when I’m out of town on a business trip. If I’m on the phone it’s fine but as soon as I’m in the data or if it’s just sitting there by itself it’s cycling and re-cycling through the boot process….it’s ill, LOL.

My training is done and the topic was Delegating for Results. I figured out this morning that I could have taken a 2nd class here this afternoon and knocked another one off my curriculum but I’m glad I didn’t plan on that because I don’t think I would be in a very good humor if I sat through the same instructor all afternoon and it’s foggy and rainy here in Atlanta so I would have been sure to get caught up in an airport delay mess later this evening. I’m not a good traveler to begin with but a night flyer…forget it!

In the cab I realized that my flight leaves some 40 minutes later than I originally thought so I deposited myself in the Houlihan’s (after scaling the stairs in my heels with my heavy bag). I haven’t eaten all day so I’m munching on potato skins and drinking lemonade. I can’t get an internet connection in here either – actually that’s not totally accurate. I can get a connection but I get a freaky message when I try to open up Explorer saying ACCESS DENIED. Makes me feel like a spy or something. So I guess I’ll sit here a few more minutes then maybe repair to a Starbucks and try my luck with the network there.

Not a big deal anyway – the time will go quickly once I get on and off my conference call at 1:30, pay my tab here, change into my jeans, go through security screening, get to my gate….and the flight is not that long either. I can make some serious progress reading my book. Sounds like a plan! There’s always tonight to play Scrabulous. I feel like there is something I’m forgetting or that I should be doing right now or when I get home but tonight, other than kickboxing which I’m not going to because I need to give Jeff a break and be home to reconnect with him and the kids, there’s nothing. I’m working from home tomorrow. I should order groceries but that can wait until tomorrow morning. I should grab my two lists , consolidate them and add the things going through my head right now. That would make me feel better I think.

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