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My best friend from college, Julie, sent me this link a few weeks ago. This young kid, age 14, plays soccer in the same league and Julie's kids Dillon and Rachel. He attends a Catholic high school in the same community I grew up in - his school, Salesanium, was all boys back then - not sure if it still is. St. Anthony of Padua was the all girls' sister school and was my 2nd choice for high school. Andrew collapsed 28 days ago after playing in a soccer tournament. They thought it was appendicitis but he not only had sepsis but it turns out he also has previously undiagnosed leukemia. The infection wreaked havoc on his body and he's obviously been in the hospital ever since. I've been praying for him and thinking about him and being grateful for the health of my own kids ever since. Andrew's Dad blogs about this experience every day. This is helping me keep my perspective about being fat, old, out of shape, overwhelmed, a procrastinator, behind at work, snowed in, etc. etc. I've given up chardonnay for Lent this year - yes ladies I have given up my favorite grape. Jackson, who I'm sure does not fully grasp Lenten sacrifice although it was discussed this past week in his preK catechism class...has given up watching Star Wars, his favorite movie....We had a bunch of snow starting last night at midnight-ish and lasting until early this afternoon when it turned to rain. I was out and about in it - had to get groceries so ended up at Costco, the pet store (buying fish and fish supplies) after Mass. I fly to Dallas tomorrow evening for training on Tuesday. Flying back home Tuesday afterward. The training is a refresher of The Coach Approach training I had back in the summer. I did teach one class in early Dec. They've added a module to it specific to using coaching skills when doing career counseling so I have to go learn up on that in preparation for teaching 6 Coach Approach sessions during the month of March.
Don't ask me what made me go into that ramble but I just felt you needed to know these things - I've been reading and commenting but not sharing so much with you all.....guess I feel guilty.
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