Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hi Ho Hi Ho It's Off to DC we go

We just got home from taking the kids to Disney on Ice - the littler kids only, Alex isn't here this weekend.  Jeff did get a call from her and her mom - she'd been "skating" around on the very hard very frozen snow that's lying around, fell, and broke her arm.  This time up very high on the bone toward the shoulder - making it difficult to cast/treat.  Similar to the leg break which was a spiral fracture and difficult to cast/heal.  Can I tell you that this kid eats well including drinking lots of milk - what's with the bones?  Counting the two broken arms two summers ago and the broken leg last Spring - this is the 4th bone break and the same week Jeff signed her up for soccer - she cannot catch a break.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Both kids enjoyed Disney on Ice - <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Jackson is still up running on adrenaline and cotton candy.  Kate conked out in the car and slept through being put to bed.  We got in and out of DC without incident - didn't get lost like we usually do - hicks from the sticks that we are. 

Last's week's snow closed the schools around here for 3 days - unbelievable - and they have off on Monday as well.  Daycare has been open and we only stayed home with the kids one day.  Our side roads in the neighborhood are still doing that melting during the day freezing thing that makes it creepy and bumpy to get back home if you're out at night.  It's been the low 20's really have to bundle up every time you go out weather for the past two weeks or so.  I've been taking a shuttle to work from a nearby park n' ride so I'm standing out at the old bus stop waiting in the cold---brrrrr! 

Last weekend, which is the weekend you originally asked about Sue - we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese's fr lunch and to let them blow off some steam.  I've actually overcome my aversion to that place and have two game that I like to play - but of course I remember that I'm not there to amuse myself - but to make sure the kids have fun.  It's a poor substitute for letting them run around outside in the fresh air I'll tell you that much. 

Late is still just shy of being potty trained with her 3rd b'day coming up April 19.  She's working toward a Scooby Doo themed party at The Little Gym as her goal for getting diaper free. 

I'm applying to send Jackson to the Catholic school for kindergarten.  I'm not 100% sure I want to send him there straight through but for kindergarten purposes if he went to the public school for the 1/2 day kindergarten he'd be getting only 1/2 day of school curriculum vs. the full day he's been getting where he's gone to daycare & preschool vs. the full day he'd be getting at the Catholic school.  On top of that the after school daycare would cost the same as I pay to send him all day because he's really only gone 3 hrs or so, so the cost is the same - so I'm going to try out Our Lady of Hope, provided he gets in.  I'm trying to keep an open mind but the pastor is super conservative - and although I think of myself as conservative he's uber conservative - and there is a ton of pressure to be active in both parish and school - not that I disagree with that but using as criteria for admission I'm not so keen on.  But they do have limited spaces so we'll see how it goes.  His preK teacher gave him a glowing report on the form I asked her complete that goes along with his application.  You'd think I was trying to get him into Sidwell Friends or something.  (private school that Chelsea Clinton went to that happens to be right next door to the office I'm working at these days - at Fannie Mae in DC). 

My mom continues to recover - the shoulder being a much more painful rehab than the hip.  She went home to her own pad last weekend and I haven't talked to her yet this week but assume it's business as usual.  She's not yet driving I don't think though so doubt she's able to get any vino unless she asks my nephew to pick it up for her.  He's 21 now and living at her house.  If she asked him to he'd probably do it.  He was my heart when he was a baby but he's grown into a little jackass unfortunately. 

Other than the fact that I had my knee checked out because it gave out on me again about a month ago and in telling a few people I know that it's happened several times - not regularly but it does give out unexpectedly - they admonished me to have it looked at - turns out I tore my ACL which you may know is something that doesn't heal or grow back so I'm looking at surgery if I want it repaired.  Not that I think I'll be having that career as a professional dancer but do fear falling when I'm old and more brittle - also it hurts like hell when it gives out and I go down to the floor....which is actually what happened at my 25th high school reunion although at the time I attributed it to chugging most of a bottle of champagne before I even got there....There's no big rush with the knee - went to a doc who's big into sport medicine - treats the Redskins and all of that.  He took x-rays in the office and the bones look normal.  Now he wants to see an MRI so he can see exactly what I did in there.  Then we'll discuss options. 

Hope everyone is staying sane and warm....hope this snow didn't totally kill off my bulbs that had started to pop up green before this hit....



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