Sunday afternoon – the time of the week I try to take stock of what I’ve accomplished recently and update my list of things I want and need to do. The best way for me to get this going is by attending Mass which has a calming effect. Getting in touch with the Lord reminds me that nothing is impossible and getting stuck in inactivity because I feel overwhelmed is a trap I easily fall into. So getting calmed helps me see things in little pieces vs. a whole lot of everything that I can’t possibly keep up with or do well. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
I’ve got a handful of major work things to take care of, most requiring at least an hour or more of my time. I’m going to try to get that organized and some of it started today before I plunge into the work week and get distracted away from the to-do list.
Here at home the laundry seems to be drying really slowly today giving me the feeling that I’ll never get it all done before bedtime. That time estimate doesn’t include the folding of course. But today I’m not letting it get me down. Today I’m happy because on Friday I spent time with a few friends from the neighborhood to cheer one of them up because she’d lost a close friend to MS this week. She was 48 years old. Yesterday we got together with a couple who’ve come to mean a lot to us in a really short period of time. So I’m glad that we left the household chores go for a day and got away for a bit to relate to other human beings. The kids had a great time and our friends greatly enjoyed meeting our kids. So what if the laundry didn’t get touched until today?
I feel like I never have enough sleep. I feel like I could sleep for three days. I know that would make me feel even more drained than usual. The key is the rowing machine in the basement not the memory foam pillow on my bed. I try to squeeze too much into the time allotted. Not setting aside the “me” time makes me get up in the middle of the night to grab time to myself which, in turn, screws up my sleep and the next day. I need a better plan, I need better discipline, more hours in a day would help but that’s not going to happen, I need to even further prioritize, I need to keep myself from getting lost in the sauce so I can step back and see what’s most important at any given time.
But I get so distracted by things I can’t control. This is why going to Mass calms me – I’m reminded to put everything into His hands.
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