Alex is here this weekend and she suggested Jeff take her and Jax to the movies. Jackson has never been to a movie at a theater.
I'm still in my nightshirt straightening up the house - e.g. clearing out a bunch of stuff from Kate's drawers that no longer fits so her clothing isn't stuffed in and we can actually find socks in the morning. I dressed her in a really cute pink cordouroy dress just because she's been wearing jeans and turtlenecks all week and I wanted to dress her up. Now I have to figure out a place for us to go maybe. It's almost her nap time so that buys me some time to take a shower, etc.
Tomorrow Jax and I will go to mass. Our new church, Our Lady of Hope, opened last weekend. I had stopped going weekly and when I restarted around Thanksgiving I began attending at the newer parish right up the road a piece vs. my old parish in the town we used to live in. I stayed with the old one because I'd been active as a lector, etc. prior to having the kids and this new parish didn't even form until a year or so after we moved here and I didn't know about it right away....they built a big church and a Catholic elementary school and started raising money for the church which was finished recently and dedicated on 1/17. It's really a neat structure - they call it modern gothic - see drawing attached and here is the link to the parish website. I've been thinking I'd like Jackson to go to the school but haven't discussed with Jeff yet. First thing's first - I haven't even registered in the parish yet.
Sounds like a typical weekend for me - I don't have a big plan. We usually spend the weekend trying to get the house tidied up from the busy week. grocery shopping, etc. before starting back into the grind all over again. I need to get up to see my mom - the weekend I had was all set to go turned out to be when my friend's Stephen's memorial service was held and I felt like I needed to go to that.