I ended up starting the hat over again two or three times but I've taken the step and picked up the needles again.
Last night I went to the movies with a friend I don't usually spend much time with. I rarely go to movies. I rarely hang out with her. We had a drink at the pub first and saw New Moon. It felt like the right thing to be there. I really enjoyed the movie. I knew I was in the Jacob camp from just reading the books but seeing the character on the screen sealed that deal.
These are not major life events but making time for simple things is something I don't often do. I tend to think on the macro level including about life-balance. But the simplicity and the balance are found in the minutes and hours of each day and trying to make each one matter. I get it.
Hey its nice to find another mum on here that went to see New Moon too. I did a search for blogs on New Moon, and couldn't understand why not more mums and Dads are faving the film. I saw it yesterday too ..isn't it fabulous...and yes I too found myself going towards the Jake camp !! Anyway ..greetings to you fom a very chilly England !! Good to find your blog :-) I'm very new to all this.
Thanks Rebecca - I hope you enjoy my rants and raves!
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