Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Random Things

Lately there have been a ton of notes going around on Facebook asking for 25 random facts or asking specific questions - all in the name of putting your stuff out there for your friends to get to know you better. I don't know why but I love that stuff. I guess I do really love people deep down or maybe I just like to find out more about their individual foibles because then I don't feel like I'm the only strange one....hmmm.

Today I've got a lot of random stuff going on in my head so here it is -
I've been enjoying the peace of taking the bus to the metro station (I know I know the f'ing bus but it does have its good points) so much that I haven't even been taking along a book to read. Shocking because I can devour a book like nobody's business but I just haven't been taking a Robert Ludlum or a J.D. Robb or anything else. But i might go buy a book today while I'm in DC.

People know I'm from the northeast because I alternately call DC "the city" and that is something that people in the NE use to refer to NYC. The city is the city so I call DC the city....what can I say?

I'm headed to the office even though I have a ton of work that I could be doing from home. It's a ton of work but none of it is chargeable to the client and in my business it's all about being billable so going into the office keeps me under everyone's nose in the event that a scrap of billable work surfaces that I could keep busy with while I'm waiting for my "public trust" vetting to go through and the funding to come through so I can actually get to work at my next client. Matters of national security as I've mentioned before...not really but I like saying that, ok?

Jeff has a plan to start work on finishing the basement. We're starting with building storage closets/cupboards to stow the various plastic bins of mostly holiday decorations but there will be space for other - such as pantry items (minimal since we have a huge pantry), maybe cleaning supplies (minimal since I keep those in the kitchen and all of the bathrooms so they're handy for my drive-by cleaning) and misc. From there I'm not sure what the plan is but hopefully it will involve some drywall in places. The project is starting out with an experiment building a small cabinet for his hobby stuff. That's been under construction since the weekend and so far so good with the new drill that allows holes on the diagonal for this nifty new construction he's discovered that doesn't involve needing a circular saw. Why he's holding back on getting that I am not sure since every other project in the last 13 years has involved purchasing a power tool.

That's all for now - I think I'll go play mahjong solitaire to whittle away the rest of the time I'm on the bus.

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