Friday, September 26, 2008

Rainy Days at least it's not Monday

Well I made the dinner and it was a recipe I got via email from – it was onions and pork chops pan fried with some Worcestershire sauce and package of stovetop stuffing added after the chops were cooked – and a cup of mozzarella cheese to top it off – 1 pan, 10 mins prep, 30 to cook, all done…I wasn’t hungry but will go down and eat some now.  Jeff said it was good but didn’t rave.  Never made it to basement – to scrap nook – once I boot up the laptop and lie down on my bed I’m a goner – really tired and blah myself….and I didn’t even have any wine.  The dogs hopped on the bed with me and we’re nice and cozy except Rocket is chewing a bone in the vicinity of my rear and now my pj bottoms are slightly damp in that area….good, he’s gone now and he took his bone.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Assume soccer will be canceled tomorrow but we have dance class at 10:30, I have a 1 yr old baby birthday party to go to and on the way will stop at the Invisible Fence place to get the transmitters we have put onto new collars for the new beasties so I can kick them outdoors when they get on my nerves…Jackson has baseball team pics at 7:30 a.m.  and Jeff’s on deck for that job…then he takes Rocket to puppy school unless that’s canceled and assume Jackson’s game will also be canceled…..perhaps I’ll get my scrap on tomorrow night….


I’m having a Southern Living At Home party tomorrow afternoon (what was I thinking when I agreed to that?  Oh right, I was thinking that I’d get a ton of stuff at 50% off because that’s what I did last time I had a party a few years ago) so I have to pick up the house, clean the powder room, strew the SLAH items I already have about the house, sweep the front porch, buy two big mums to put on the front steps, buy snacks and wine – oy, what was I THINKING?


And it’s raining and unlike L the rain doesn’t bum me out but it makes me want to go to the library to pick up a Robert Ludlam book I haven’t read yet, stock up on Chex Mix (preferable the dark chocolate variety) and hide in my room….but I have all that other crap to do….oh yeah, the other crap is my life J

Sunday, September 21, 2008

My new passion - Animal Rescue

The times they are a changin'

Wow, what has happened in the economy and I'm keeping my head down, working, with one eyeball on the news.  I could honestly get laid off in the coming month or so and I've been looking for a new role both inside my current company and outside for other employers.  I cannot afford to be without a job at this time.  What has kept me from being a nervous wreck?   You have to ask?  Having read Eckhart Tolle's books "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth" has kept me from being a basket case in these uncertain times - because there are things I'm certain of - I have a great family and great kids and I love being their mother, placing my trust in God and my life in His hands has served me very well in the past so there is no reason to mess with that formula, I have finally gotten out of my lazy rut and have been exercising, I've also been networking my brains out, as well as, throwing myself into the kids' lives and their activities - which I'm enjoying to no I've added a few "hats" to my hatrack - CCD Catechist, Soccer Coach, Kickboxer.  And I've gotten back into the routine of hanging out in my scrapbooking and craft nook giving me better odds of actually working on things vs. just thinking about it.