Sunday, June 18, 2006
Saturday, June 17, 2006
mainder is a more manageable pile sorted into clothing, etc. that will be easier to donate to purple heart next time they come calling. I think I will list the scanner, the halloween costume, and maybe a few other things on ebay. Maybe even all of that old Karla Jordan jewelry. There's a thought. Everything must go! ha!
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
plant the veggies and make that my rose garden so they'll get full sun all day....After spending loads on 12 new ones last year and having them get black spot almost immediately....I'm wising up at last!
Saturday, June 3, 2006
Progress is being made
I've always been a bit of a sprinter but this marathon stuff isn't so bad now that I'm making real headway in organizing this house. We have so much STUFF, it's ridiculous. I have the weeding out clothes the kids outgrow and giving them away down to a science. I've made at least one pass through all of our closets. Our still needs major work but progress is being made. This is not exciting stuff but it feels so good to get a bit organized and for so long it was so overwhelming I just didn't know where to begin. Last night I finished organizing my scrapbooking stuff and I feel like I'm really back in the swing with working on my books on a regular basis. I'm cropping again tonight at the scapbook store with Maureen. Again, not exciting stuff but getting out of the house AND preserving family memories is nothing to scoff at. I guess I feel this is so much of an accomplishment because my mother never had the time to get this stuff done. Every drawer in the house being a junk drawer is the way I grew up so when others are uber-organized it makes my jaw drop....The thing is that our house is the biggest one I've ever lived in and theoretically we have loads of storage space so making the most efficient use of it is on me. There is just so much STUFF.
I'm finding it easier to let go of stuff I'd ordinarily save and for the stuff I really do want to save I'm storing it properly vs. shoving it someplace. I've also been able to let go of some favorite clothing that I can't foresee getting into anytime soon. I still have a small group of size 6 items that I can't bear to part with but we're talking maybe a handful.
I still have miles to go but feel like I've completed quite a few laps and I'm really revved up about it now....little racing analogy there in honor of the fact that I had the misfortune to be in Charlotte last week and couldn't get a decent room because everythings jammed up for NASCAR....who knew???
Other developments on the home front - although the little ones, especially Kate, have both been nightmares about sleeping through the night in their own beds - they've started all playing together for stretches of time that are more than 5 seconds so Jeff and I can actually read a newspaper article, fold a basket of laundry, or take a shower without having to referee some sort of altercation. I think Alex and Jackson are maxing out on togetherness at the moment - they've been playing for several hours and he's tired today from the 4 way wrestling match that took place in our bed thru the night with Kate and him both in there with us thrashing about....She just will not stay in that bed of hers these day....sigh...I'm thinking of strapping her in but she's pretty loud and would probably wake the neighborhood....seriously, we're just trying our best and waiting for her to grow out of it.
That's all for now as I've got some work stuff to get done - pesky travel expense reports, an email to write, my year end self evaluation to do, and some checks to write....then it's off to the store for some groceries I forgot. Talk about least it's dreary today and I'm in the mood to plow thru chores vs. wanting to sit at the pool.