Monday, March 27, 2006

Midnight Snack Time

As to Risha's comment about being brave to get my peepers fixed I never would have considered it had Jeff not had his done a year ago by the same doctor who is the "Eye Guy" in Washington.  Jeff couldn't have been more pleased and when I read the bio of Dr. Boutros and all of his experience etc. my mind was made up.  After the first consult I had even more confidence because his staff is extremely professional, the wait times are minimal if any to be seen, I got to meet him the very first day...I can't say enough good things about this well run practice but after the fact I will say that he was right - on a scale from 1-10, my C-sections were a 40 and this eye thing was a 0.1.  I was a big baby going into it and there was no need.  The discomfort was minimal, the "pain" was minimal compared to what I've been through wearing gas permeable lenses for over 20 years, and best of all I CAN SEE!!!!!!  No lenses, no specs - I can wake up and SEE!!!

As to why I am up at 3:00 a.m. eating hot crossed buns, drinking tea and blogging - my eyes were a bit tired last night so I wanted to rest them vs. reading, surfing, watching TV so after I put Kate to bed I hit the hay myself - ok, the 3 glasses of wine were of help.  So when she woke me up half an hour ago for her nightly trip from her bed to ours I decided to come down to make sure the buns were satisfactory to feed to my family for breakfast....uh huh.

It's been a nice 4 days off since my eye surgery.  I did no work, got a ton of sleep, spent time with a friend and worked on Kate's scrapbook for the first time in 6 mos., put pansies in my hanging pots on the front porch, spent time checking out the birds visiting my feeders (Blue Jay, Cardinal Couple, Woodpecker, Sparrows, Robin, some cute little black thing with a white breast that I need to look up) and feel pretty much like a human being again vs. a wind up doll that goes nuts every morning at 7:00 a.m. and crashes every evening just after 8:00 p.m.  I like this a whole lot better than the manic frenetic existence I've had.  I can actually hear myself think right now.  Alright I'd better not get carried away - I needed to get up in the middle of the night to capture this silence because the kids are nonstop noise when they're up.  But this resting has been good for me in total - physically and for my soul.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Another Sunday Morning

Easter egg basketTime to jump in the shower and get ready for Mass.  Opened the mail from the last half of the week and there were letters from the Easter Bunny for the little sweet!  Thanks Annette (I mean Easter Bunny's helper) for making the donation to the arthritis foundation that generated the letters and little Easter crafts for the kids. 

Yesterday Jeff mulched half the flower beds - maybe 2/3's and everything looks much fresher.  I planted pink and white pansies in the hanging baskets for the front porch and found some tulip bulbs I'd never planted that had begun to sprout some green so I planted them in a big pot on the patio.  I hope they bloom because they'll be lovely and if they don't this year they probaby will next year. 

Am a little annoyed right now about trying to have a conversation with the spouse that earned me a very rude remark.  Conversations are rare and diffucult to initiate because if the timing isn't just right I get shut down.  Right now doesn't seem worth the bother nor does it make me want to make the nice Sunday dinner I'd planned.  Another buzz kill.....

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Had My Eyes Done

female eyes
Had my Lasik surgery on Thursday.  Yesterday was a little frustrating because I couldn't see as well as I would if I had my contacts in so I could drive but not really read or do much else without feeling it was a little fuzzy but today woke up feeling like I could see as well as with my contacts so WooooHooooo!!!  Eyes are a little dry today which is annoying but I CAN SEE WITHOUT GLASSES OR CONTACTS!!  I have been wearing specs since 3rd grade so this is huge for me.  Now to come down from my cloud and clean up this house...not so glamorous but since I napped all afternoon yesterday it's time to get on the stick.